Thursday, July 26, 2012

East Bay Gas Lines Danville - What are some of the good things that natural gas does to that enviroment?

What are some of the good things that natural gas does to that enviroment? Some bad things?

Natural Gas burns clean and leaves only H2O and CO as it's byproducts.

CO is a greenhouse gas.

But, it does not put other toxins into the air.

Natural Gas is naturally odorless, so we have to add nasty smelling sulphur based mercaptans to it for us to smell it.

A capful of liquid mercaptan spilled in the middle of town can cause emergency personnel to nearly evacuate 2 miles of the spill.

Exposure to mercaptan can cause headaches. It naturally evaporates (this is why we spell it everywhere), and so it has to be contained and incinerated for disposal if it is contaminated with other substances that bar it being reinjected into a gas pipeline.

Gas has to be piped to a home/building for us to use it. So, availability may be limited.

source: Yahoo Answers

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