Friday, November 23, 2012

East Bay Gas Lines - Natural Gas: Earth and Sky Friendly

Natural Gas: Earth and Sky Friendly

Natural gas – the ultimate “alternative” fuel of the future? Yes, the same natural gas first commercially used in the United States in western New York in the early 19th century. When it comes to dealing with issues surrounding pollution and the environment, carbon management and energy security, natural gas is part of the solution, not part of the problem. Yes, natural gas is a “fossil fuel.” But natural gas is far more environmentally attractive than oil, coal, and electricity produced with fossil fuels. Of the major sources of energy in the United States, natural gas is the cleanest, most efficient, cost effective, and abundant, producing less pollution and fewer greenhouse gasses than its counterparts.

Gas=Environmental Benefit: Fewer Greenhouse Gasses chart

Source: Energy Information Administration: Fuel and Energy Codes and Emission Coefficients

Fewer Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

The primary byproducts of burning natural gas are carbon dioxide and water. But natural gas produces LESS carbon dioxide than other commonly used energy sources. According to the federal Energy Information Administration (EIA), natural gas emits 45 percent LESS CO2 than electricity and nearly 30 percent LESS CO2 than fuel oil. In fact, the U.S. is now a world leader in carbon reductions, having reduced carbon emissions by 7.7% since 2006, the equivalent of removing 84 million cars from the road. As acknowledged by the chief economist for the International Energy Agency, the replacement of coal by shale gas was a key factor driving the carbon emission reductions in the U.S.


Natural gas generates less sulfur dioxide (a cause of acid rain), less nitrogen oxides (that can produce smog) and less particulate matter than oil or coal, which is primarily used for electric generation. The cleanliness of gas means that not only does it produce less pollution, but also environmental controls on gas equipment are usually much less expensive than for other fuels. Additionally, technological progress allows cleaner energy production today than in the past. Natural gas use means cleaner air whether used for home space heating, water heating, cooking, clothes drying, and in the case of natural gas vehicles, cars, trucks, buses, and commercial and industrial processes.

Pounds of Air Pollutants per Billion Btus of Energy

Carbon Dioxide117,000164,000208,000
Carbon Monoxide4033208
Nitrogen Oxides92448457
Sulfur Dioxide11,1222,591
Source: Energy Information Administration

More Efficient:

Natural gas appliances are more energy efficient than their electric counterparts, and natural gas users thus conserve energy resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. According to the American Gas Association (AGA), while the number of natural gas residential customers increased 71 percent since 1970, the average customer today uses 39 percent less natural gas than they did 38 years ago. By using energy wisely, weatherizing homes, using energy-efficient appliances and installing programmable thermostats, customers reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Efficiency graphic: Electricity vs. Natural Gas


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