Friday, April 19, 2013

East Bay Gas Lines - Furnace & gas line safety tips

A gas leak refers to the seeping of natural gas, frequently through a pipe, which can endanger the lives of those in the area. While the fumes may cause health problems, the larger problem is the potential for an explosion because natural gas is highly flammable.
1)      Have your furnace and gas lines checked every spring and fall.
2)      If you ever smell natural gas (it smells like rotten eggs) open the windows and call the gas company immediately (don’t assess it yourself).
3)      You may hear unusual noises coming from your gas lines.
4)      Don’t turn on lights or use a cell phone.
5)      Don’t ignite or light a lighter, smoke etc.
6)      Clear out—immediately—and warn others to do the same.
7)      Do not start a car or any nearby machinery.
8)      If you’re in a building with elevators—don’t use the elevator.
9)      Do not try to manage the situation on your own.
10)   From a safe place, call the gas company and 911.
If you have not had your furnace checkup during the fall, call us today to schedule one

by Larry Howald

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