Friday, March 8, 2013

East Bay Gas Lines - Danville - How do I Know What Size Generator to Buy for My House?

A backup generator can provide power in the event of an outage for essential appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, sump and lift pumps and a few lights. Estimating the size of the generator required means adding up the total number of watts used by each appliance you intend to provide power in the event of an outage. This information is available on the appliance nameplates or in the documentation supplied with each appliance. The more appliances you include, the more that can be powered, but the cost increases as the size of the generator goes up.

1 Make a list of the appliances you wish to power during an outage. Include refrigerators, freezers, furnace, and electric range, along with well, sump, lift or ejector pumps. Include the number of watts each appliance requires for starting and running. Consult the appliance documentation or nameplate for this information, which is expressed as watts, kilowatts or volt-amps. Calculate power requirements by multiplying amps by voltage for appliances that do not list watts, kilowatts or volt-amps.

2 Determine starting power requirements for appliances with motors that do not list the starting power needed, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, washers and dryers. Contact the manufacturer of these appliances or consult a chart that gives average requirements for these appliances.

3 Total the running power requirements for appliances which do not have different starting and running loads, such as incandescent lights, water heaters and toasters. Total the starting power requirements for other appliances with motors, such as pumps and refrigerators. Add the two totals together for the total power required.

4 Choose between 240-volt and 120-volt generators; 240-volt generators will run electric stoves, electric baseboard heaters, electric dryers, central air conditioning units and dishwashers. Select a model the provides both the voltage and the total power requirements needed to run the appliances you selected to have operational during a power outage.

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